Last week I went with my group to 金山泠 (Jinshanling), a much more dilapidated section of the Great Wall, making for a more challenging and fulfilling hike. In case anyone is wondering, I went to Northwestern this past year and am transferring to Columbia in the fall. Right now I am on a two month Northwestern summer study abroad program in Beijing called Emerging Legal and Economic Structures; we study Chinese for three hours in the morning, and history or economics for an hour and a half in the afternoon. I am loving the program, and definitely would recommend it to anyone at Northwestern interested in speaking Chinese and understanding China.

Anyway, some pictures from 金山泠:

No other tourists--so different from Badaling
Those are watchtowers in the background. You can get a sense of how the Great Wall just continues and continues
extremely tricky to navigate
Ashley, just looking at this picture makes me nervous
Will Spellman you better be reading this. I thought of you while tagging (kinda sorta) the Great Wall
Almost at the end of the two hour trek (much of that time was spent taking pictures)
One of such pictures. I love Beijing
I'm very grateful I got to go to both sections of the wall. Badaling is the best-preserved section of the wall, and most resembles how the wall looked during the Ming dynasty. Jinshanling is representative of how the majority of the wall currently looks, and as I mentioned it was a more difficult and fun hike. Plus, it was great to have the wall to ourselves; like many other tourists, I hate being surrounded by tourists.